
El Shin y la Tere (Shin and Tere)

El Shin y la Tere (Shin and Tere) from santiago álvarez tostado on Vimeo.

El Shin y la Tere: Es una historia de amor que se pierde entre la fayuca,(piratería Mexicana) y se desintegra en medio de la Inmensidad de una ciudad sus promociones, la fantasía oriental, los 2x1, las oportunidades y sobre todo muchas cosas en común entre El Shin y La Tere.
¨Cuando te toca aunque te quites, y cuando no aunque te pongas ¨

Shin and Tere is a love story that gets lost between “the fayuca” (Mexican Commercial Piracy), the immensity of a city, promotions, Eastern fantasy, 2x1, opportunities and above all many things in common...
“The Shin and Tere is a story of love in a lot of quality but low resolution”

Dirigido por mi reciente cuate Santiago Álvarez Tostado


The New York Times

"We constructed typographic versions of the most recognizable landmarks in Manhattan and Istanbul, and created a compact tour taking the audience from the New York Harbor all the way to the Bosphorus. Actual pages from the first issue of the newspaper were used to create the textures used in the scenes. The financial news page became NYSE and Wall Street, entertainment news turned into Times Square, and so on."

Como extraño NY...




The Robots are Coming!

Reel 09 XiuhCalli

Mi mas querido amigo, Luis Dorantes, estrena este potente Reel con el que se lanza con todo al mundo del MotionGraphics. Su reel me deja un sabor mistico-magico que ha logrado gracias a su interes en la cosmogonia mexica y en el desarrollo de arte enfocado a estas culturas ancestrales, me da mucho gusto por el ya que es un talentoso diseñador que a permanecido mucho tiempo a la sombra y ya era hora de que nos dejara ver a todos la calidad de su trabajo.


The Beatles Rock Band outro

The Beatles Rock Band outro
Passion Pictures continues animating The Beatles with this captivating one minute outro sequence for the band’s recently released Rock Band game. Directed by Pete Candeland, the new video picks up where the intro cinematic left off when it premiered back at E3. Passion EP Hugo Sands: “It’s not every day that you’re asked to animate The Beatles – in fact we believe we’re the first studio to animate the band since the Yellow Submarine feature film.”

Grizzly Bear - While You Wait for the Others

Grizzly Bear - While You Wait for the Others

Pleix y Digital District para Duracell




If you dont know how they fix all those shots, now you will
Made by Pangra!